This day and age, when fast food chains and instant foods are widespread, it is not enough that we eat a balanced meal in order to achieve a healthy diet and a healthier you. Though food selection is important, it is not enough that we simply purchase foods that are high in complex carbohydrates, complex proteins, fiber and low in saturated fats. Food preparation is equally imperative. Food must be free from harmful additives, and it must be prepared in a way that it preserves its nutrients and avoids the occurrence of harmful substances.
Here are some basic guidelines that I would like to share to you for preparing and cooking foods the healthy way:
Avoid foods that contain additives and artificial ingredients – Additives are placed in foods for several reasons: to lengthen shelf life; to make a food more appealing by enhancing color, texture, or taste, and even make the product more marketable. Anyone whose diet is high in processed food products clearly consumes a high amount of additives and artificial ingredients. Additives and artificial ingredients simply add little or no nutritional value to a food product. Some additives could even pose a threat to our health.